Sunday, March 8, 2009

Move is not a "four-letter word"!

Someone recently told me that people don't like the word "move". Apparently "relocate" is preferred. As if there's something wrong with moving. I suppose I'm not thinking that it conjures up the day when everything gets packed in boxes, a "moving" van comes and the sad goodbyes take place. Does "relocating" happen in an easier fashion?

Over a year ago we "moved" our daughter all the way up to Idaho. And I say "all the way up" because it was a long haul in a U-Haul on snow and ice covered roads! But her adventure was just beginning and we were so excited for her. Was it because she'd landed her first big job out of college and we were no longer paying tuition and other assorted bills? Well maybe. But honestly, to know she was launching into the world, and into her career that she had worked hard for, was thrilling.

We had our sad goodbye at the airport when we flew back home but my next little project awaited me. Her "I've Moved!" cards of course! So many people had asked "Now where exactly is Idaho Falls?" so that's what I started with... a map.

Okay, "move" does have four letters in it, but it's not a four-letter word.

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